Once upon a time there was a pandemic that forced us to be creative!

Once upon a time there was a pandemic that forced us to be creative!


Another year working from home, always with the noise of ambulances in the background.

We are still not rid of the pandemic, although, in truth, the pandemic context is incomparably less serious than last year's.

We have all learnt to live with the terror of being infected (what a remedy) and we are managing to organise our daily lives as normally as possible.

At Jervis we've opted to telework part-time - 3 days in the office and 2 days at home.

We gain autonomy and social distance while not losing our group spirit.

This model has proved to be effective and seems to please everyone.

We will continue like this next year.


Was it a normal working year?

It was almost normal.

Once again we did not organise the Travel Fair, we had to cancel Fam Trips and Press Trips and we could not participate in the BTL and the Specialists, which are part of our annual routine.

But we focused a lot on digital, we tried to use the television space, we reinforced the collaboration with influencers and we invested in innovative communication formats, regularly using tools such as whatsapp or webinars, which definitely entered our daily routine.

For those working in communication, the times we are living in force us to be much more creative and to find new paths that perhaps would still be far away if there was no pandemic.


Were the results positive?

Yes, and we are happy with our performance.

The path we have followed has helped strengthen our ties with clients and opened up new business opportunities that have proved to be rewarding.

We are aware that we will continue to live in a climate of adversity, but we enter 2022 with moderate optimism and firm hope for the future.

Thank you to all those who have placed their trust in us during these atypical times.

We will continue to do our best to deserve your trust.


Have a good year and see you soon!


Rosário Louro